culture: n.1.教养;修养;磨炼。2.文化,(精神)文明。3.人工培养,养殖;培养菌,培养组织。4.耕作;栽培;造林。短语和例子a man of culture 有教养的人,文化人。 culture of mind and body 身心修养。 intellectual [moral, physical] culture 智[德、体]育。 culture of cotton 棉花栽
The new curriculum reform calls for a transfer of teacher culture and thus teacher culture will take on the following changes : from adaptive culture to creative one , from controlling culture to conversing one , from individual culture to cooperative one 摘要新课改呼唤着教师文化的转型,教师文化在新课程背景下将呈现出以下的走向:从适应型文化走向创生型文化;从控制型文化走向对话型文化;从个人主义文化走向合作文化。